Tree Removal

Tree Removal

It is impossible to imagine our beautiful landscape and gardens without trees. Not only the forests and parks but also our own garden have a high recreational value. In addition, trees give us shade and are oxygen suppliers. For children they are a welcome adventure playground and many tree houses have their place in the crown of a tree. Reason enough to really care for and value our trees.

Sometimes, however, a tree has to be felled. Especially when it becomes a danger.

This is when the tree is severely attacked by disease, pests or rot. If the tree can no longer be saved by the usual methods and means, it must be felled. Especially in strong winds or storms, there is then a risk that the whole tree or parts of it will injure people or damage property. Even when there is no wind, rotten parts can suddenly break down and cause injuries and damage. Do not let it come so far and take measures in time. Our trained arborists can tell you exactly if one of your trees is a danger and what measures are necessary. Sometimes it is enough to simply prune the tree and cut out the affected branches.

Another problem with diseased trees or trees that are heavily infested with pests is that both the diseases and the pests can spread to the healthy trees. To prevent this, it may be necessary to remove the infested tree.

Another reason may be lack of space. One is when trees are too close together, and interfere with each other. Thus, no tree gets enough light and nutrients. This in turn has an unfavorable effect on the health of the trees. Here it is necessary to look carefully which tree should remain and which should not.

But even if a tree has grown too large for its place and it may damage buildings or utility lines, it must either be adequately pruned or cut down. Even smaller branches can cause damage to the house in high winds. Not only that, but if the crown is so large that parts of the house are always in the shade, it encourages moisture and mold growth.

Old trees should be especially kept in mind. Are they still well cared for? Are they still healthy? Some tree species can live to be ancient, others cannot. In the aging process, the tree starts to become rotten, often the bark flakes off. Old, weak trees are a great danger in strong winds or storms, as branches can fall or they can break apart. But even without wind, rotten parts can fall down.

As you can see, there are weighty reasons for tree removal. There are several ways to cut a tree.

The best known is probably to cut it in one piece. This involves sawing out a notch at the bottom of the trunk to determine the direction of fall. The tree is then brought down with a so-called stab cut. This method requires a lot of space so that the falling tree does not cause damage to buildings or utility lines.

Other techniques are often used in residential areas. In sectional felling, an arborist climbs the tree or uses a cherry picker to remove branches and portions of the trunk from above the tree until the entire tree is disassembled.

Tree disassembly means carefully disassembling a tree from the top down. Arborists will use ropes and pulleys here to safely lower each tree section.

Which method is right for your case is best determined by a certified arborist. They have a trained eye for how much space it takes to cut down your tree.

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