Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning & Tree Trimming

Pruning is an important aspect of tree care that involves removing branches or parts of a tree. By regularly pruning your trees, you maintain their health and vitality.

Primarily, this involves removing diseased, dead or damaged branches. This prevents the spread of disease or rot. This allows the tree to use its resources for healthy growth.

Professional pruning also strengthens the structure of the tree. On the one hand, loose branches are removed, but targeted pruning also creates a balance in the tree crown. An imbalance can lead to branch breakage or, in the worst case, to the tree breaking apart.

Another aspect of pruning is the thinning of the branches. This improves light penetration and air circulation in the tree crown. More light means more photosynthesis, which benefits the health of the tree. Improved air circulation reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Pruning may also be necessary for safety reasons, if the tree threatens to damage buildings or utility lines with its growth.

Another aspect is fruit tree pruning. Here, superfluous shoots and branches are cut back. This way, the tree can give its strength to the fruit and provide a rich harvest. Professional fruit tree pruning can also significantly improve the quality of the fruit.

While tree pruning is mainly about health, tree trimming is about aesthetics.

Artfully pruned trees and shrubs adorn our gardens and parks. Evenly trimmed trees in avenues are a real eye-catcher.

By the way, it is always important to note that the right time and the right pruning technique are critical so that the tree is not damaged. Too frequent and improper pruning can cause lasting damage to the tree. This is why it is so important to seek advice from a certified arborist. The expert will not only determine the specific pruning needs, but will also have the necessary knowledge of pruning techniques.

After all, not all trees are the same. Not only the different species, but also the age and growth play a role in choosing the right pruning technique.

Here is a small selection of the different pruning techniques:

Crown cleaning:

This is where dead, dying or diseased branches are pruned out. In addition, weak or crossing branches that could pose a hazard are removed. The benefit of crown cleaning is to improve the overall health, safety and appearance of the tree.

Crown Thinning:

As the name implies, crown thinning involves removing individual branches. The purpose here is to improve light penetration and air circulation, as well as to reduce the weight of the crown. Mainly smaller branches are removed, which are evenly distributed over the crown. This way, the appearance of the tree is not significantly changed. Crown thinning reduces wind resistance and thus the risk of branch breakage.

Crown Raising:

Crown raising involves lifting the lower branches of a tree. This increases the distance between the ground or to buildings. This technique is used when space is needed for pedestrians, vehicles or buildings, or when better access or a better view is needed. It is very important to pay attention to the balance of the tree.

Crown reduction:

Crown reduction involves selective pruning of branches to reduce the overall size and height of a tree. Most often, this technique is used when the tree has grown too large for its space. Crown reduction, like all pruning, should be done carefully, taking into account the natural shape and health of the tree.


Pollarding is an extreme pruning technique. It involves removing all branches down to the main trunk or to a few specific branch stubs. This technique is performed on certain tree species to promote a specific growth pattern or to limit the size of the tree. This technique requires regular maintenance pruning to control regrowth.


Espalier is often used on fruit trees. Here, the tree is pruned to grow flat against a wall or fence in a specific pattern. This allows for maximum harvest in a small amount of space. Espalier requires regular pruning to maintain the desired shape and structure.

No matter what pruning technique is needed, have it done by a professional to prevent damage to your trees. At Tree Service Pooler, we have certified arborists who not only have the knowledge, but also the experience.

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